vendredi 18 avril 2014

What is Human Nature?

        The human species is a social species, the human organism is a social organism, the human brain is a social brain and human nature is a social nature. The human personality or 'human nature' is an open natural system which is multidimensional and subjected to the forces of a changing social environment. Human nature can be defined in terms of the integrated functioning of intrinsic motives for behaviour or 'instincts,' instinct-like desires, drives or 'needs', wishes, impulses, feelings, emotions, thoughts, volitions, aspirations, reasoning capacities, beliefs and so on ... all involved in the organismic striving for steady state equilibrium as unity of personality or 'personality integration' which is required for holistic perception,  accurate evaluation and effective adaptability to ever-changing social conditions... required for self-preservation. A system which interacts with its environment acquires qualitatively new irreducible properties... 'emergent properties'...  which emerge as a result of the interaction of the various parts of the whole system. The nature of human nature can only be understood from the perspective of the 'systems approach' or 'systems thinking' of systems theory. The characteristic emergent property of human nature is development of the intrinsic potential for consciousness of moral or 'spiritual' values... moral consciousness or 'conscience'. Rational conscience is the source of  moral intelligence or 'social intelligence' required for social cooperation necessary for continued survival of the human species.                              

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