Crucial factor of quality education... The learning must be personally meaningful to the learner so that it engages the natural development of moral consciousness or 'conscience'. As a result of the engagement moral development in the learning process, the person is becomes knowledgable and ethical at the same time and can apply their knowledge with the intuition which is derived from the wisdom of compassion. (See 'holistic education')
Unconditional love is a biological need which must be met for spiritual growth which involves complete moral development. Lack of love results in stunted growth and the result is human dysfunction or 'evil'. Punishlment is not the solution. Provision of humane environments for children to develop should be a priority for all of us.
I believe that the word 'God' refers to our own moral consciousness (god-consciousness) or 'conscience'. The conscience is a function of moral intelligence and must therefore be cultivated with the right education. Only then can we depend on it for guidance and direction.
Parents can help children with their moral or ‘ethical’ development by being mature, recognizing their children’s emotional needs, respecting their intelligence, appreciating their ideas and opinions and providing them an education which allows for the development of their potential.
Participate in bigger things which concern us all. Not to forget that we are a social species and we are happier when we live in alignment with our social nature.
World peace depends on each person's respect for their own humanity as well as the humanity of others. Therefore it is necessary to have a universal education which aligns its foundational a culture of peace. philosophy with the understanding of human nature as a social, compassionate and therefore peaceful nature. Inner peace - a function of moral or 'spiritual' development - translates to moral action and social cooperation or 'outer peace'. Consequently education for peace is a function of learning which is meaningful because it engages the person's natural motivation for complete human development. So-called 'peace education' or 'holistic education' provides the conditions for world peace because it provides the conditions which are right for complete human development. We must learn to trust human nature and educate children in such a way that they can develop their human potential. This is the only way we can bring real peace to the world.
''There is only one problem, and it is human development in its totality; once this is achieved in any unit - child or nation - everything else follows spontaneously and harmoniously.'' (Maria Montessori. To Educate the Human Potential )
Not to look past the awfulness in the world but integrate it into a view of life which must be compassionate if it is holistic.
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