dimanche 17 juin 2012

Miscellaneous Comments

Meaning of ‘survival of the fittest’ is the ‘best adapted to changing conditions’.
Power of human emotion as spirituality is personal power of moral responsibility or 'self-empowerment'...
National referendums by popular vote will work only if the citizens of the country are properly educated, that is completely developed psychologically so 'mature'.  Maturity is the basis for true freedom and democracy and depends on democratic education for cultivation of morally responsible intelligence or  'creative intelligence' …See 'holistic education'. 
Emotional intelligence… harnessing the emotions in the service of performance and learning… in flow the emotions are not just contained and channelled but positive and energized… they are aligned with the task at hand… being utterly absorbed in what one is doing and giving one’s undivided (focused) attention, merging awarenes with action, losing track of time and space, forgetting oneself, losing self-consciopusness (‘ego-less), ‘peak performance’, intinsically motivated     People who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failures; they approach things in terms of how to handle them rather than worrying about what can go wrong…. Being able to enter the state of flow represents emotional intelligence at its best…  
It is the unbalanced value systems of these egocentric adults which inflict grave harm on our species and our planet. The problem is arrested human development.
These power freaks are inhuman. We can turn this around if we have education which is based on trust of human nature and dedication to fulfillment of human potential and human empowerment...
The future is children. We all need to press for a meaningful education which enables them to develop their full potential... education for development of the personality as a whole or 'holistic education'. 

Victoria gives us hope for the future. People committing the fraud she talks about tend to underestimate people's intelligence. Never underestimate the intelligence of the young. All children must be given the appropriate conditions of freedom to grow through learning... the key is intrinsic motivation
Excellent. Never underestimate the intelligence of the young. All children must be given the appropriate conditions of freedom to grow through learning. The key is intrinsic motivation.
A society of open minds depends on education which provides the right conditions of freed which children need to grow through learning which opens their minds i.e. education for complete development or 'holistic education'....

 Wisdom is intuitive intelligence which depends for its cultivation on freedom to grow through learning... i.e. 'spiritual freedom'. Education as conditioning and indoctrination prevents the cultivation of wisdom.

The most you can do to help others is not to get involved too much ... just enough give them the confidence they need to help themselves.

World revolution should incorporate revolution in education based on children’s need to grow through learning in conditions of freedom (spiritual) so that they can cultivate their intrinsic potential for intelligence with the rationality of moral consciousness or ‘conscience’ which is required for all citizens of a true democracy... i.e. ‘education for the petrsonality as a whole or ‘holistic education’.   

Natural wisdom is not only the result of book knowedge but of creative intelligence. One can read all the books in the world and still not be intelligent in the sense of moral intelligence which results from development of moral consciousness or 'conscience'. The degree of rationality of concience is a function of lthe evel of consciousness  which one has reached in a personal process of moral development. The human species depends for its survival on the highest levels of consciousnessness... the spiritual domain or spiritual love i.e. 'spiritualty'.  The lack of spirituality guarantees its continuied demise to extinction. Consequently we need to implement a universal education based on love of children, respect for their developmental needs and cultivation of their intrinsic potential for complete human development.

Ignorance of the nature of human nature is our problem. Human nature as is meant to be depends on complete psychological development. This includes development of the moral or 'spiritual' dimension. All children need love for that. If they don't get they can become spiritiually crippled psychopaths.

Ignorance of the nature of human nature is our problem. Human nature as is meant to be depends on complete psychological development. This includes development of the  moral or 'spiritual' dimension. All children need love for that. If they don't get they can  become spiritiually crippled psychopaths.

People need to evolve personally from ego to essence... and live on the transpersonal level of human consciousness. So-called 'God' is god-consciousness. That is what Jesus was trying to explain using difficult metaphorical langage which he learned in India. The problem is ignorance of the real meaning of religions. The real meaning of apocalyse is 'lifting of the veil'... we are waking up to the need to evolve on a personal level. e are all the same...we have the same human aspirations.

 Christians are in trouble because they do not understand the true meaning of Jesus teachings (God is Love). We must 'find Jesus' in the sense that we must find our own divine source... our own soul. The voice speaking to you in your dreams is the voice of your own divine source... your own conscience. There is indeed a need for Christianity to evolve and if you read and listen to philosopher Ken Wilber you will see that many people are concerned about the future of Christianity. Basically we are all the same and all the organized religions are in danger of dying if they focus on dogma and the differences between them rather than understanding their essence and respecting the similarities of all peoples and the unity of humankind.

.Jesus tried to teach the message of love to the world (God is Love). God is our godconsciousness... the divinity within the human soul. Christians arer in trouble because they don't understand the meanings of Jesus’ teaching. There is a movement for the evolution of Christianity... read and listen to philosopher Ken Wilber. The voice talking to you is your own conscience. We must look into our own soul to find Jesus in the sense that he represents our divinity.

The word 'freedom' is basically misunderstood in this 'land of the free and home of the brave'. Freedom is perceived as external freedom -freedom of action. This only works out if people are morally responsible. The problem is that children are already imprisoned in the schools because they are not given the freedom to become morally responsible adults. Real freedom is in fact freedom of moral responsibility or 'internal freedom'. This is freedom from conditioning and freedom from the fear which results from it. Children everywhere need education for complete personality development i.e. 'holistic education'.

The word 'freedom' is basically misunderstood in this 'land of the free and home of the brave'. Freedom is perceived as  external freedom -freedom of action. This only works out if people are morally responsible. The problem is that children are already imprisoned in the schools because they are not given the freedom to become morally responsible adults. Real freedom is in fact freedom of moral responsibility or 'internal freedom'. This is freedom from conditioning and freedom from the fear which results from it. So it turns out that the concepts of freedom, democracy and so on must be re-examined carefully and implemented in the context of the true meaning of these emotionally laden words which are used extensively for political clout. 

We are self-destructing. It is time to put an end to the authoritarianism, deception and abuse. We need to offer children an education which allows them spiritual freedom for complete psychological development. Only then can humanity become compassionate and creatively intelligent. Our species survival depends on it.

Population naturally stabilizes with higher standard of living...and higher spiritual plane for everyone will reduce population.

Psychopaths are not that way for genetic reasons. They are created. Psychopathy is a disorder resulting from lack of love and respect for children developmental needs. It is ‘moral insanity’ because it results from the arrest of moral or ‘spiritual development. The disorder is a psychological defense mechanism with some characteristics being rewarded in certain highly materialistic societies. Psyc hopathy can be prevented by implementing educational pomlies based on the need for childrens’ engagement of their responsibility to themselves for their complete growth and development as integrated personalities. This kind of education aims to cultivate moral intelligence. Education for development of the personality as a whole is known by many names such as ‘holistic education’ or ‘democratic education’.   

Intuition is sub-conscious bringing  'gut feeling' or sense of 'knowing' into conscious mind... by way of feeling or thought.... intuition serves mostly with 'warning signs’...

Not to mock or blame the religons.... that can be offensive and create animosity if faith in a religion is felt to be a matter of personal choice. It is better be tolerant and understand the origins of ignorance.  The problem is always one of interpretation and this is based on individual level of consciousness. Misunderstanding comes from misinterpretaion. The word 'religion' is derived from 'religare' the Latin word for "to reconnect, to bind together".... the ancient human longing for meaning and oneness, inspiring spiritual development for wholeness.  Most organized religions are politically corrupt. There is a need for religions to evolve. But the  responsibility lies with each individual to engage their own personal moral or 'spiritual' evolution, no matter what tgheir professed religion. To be 'religious' one must be connected with the divinity in one's human nature. With all due respect, people who remain disconnected with their own spiritual core are not helping humanity to solve its  human problems. This is because they focus on what divides us (cause for war)and not on what unites us (source of peace). We are spiritual beings and our species depends on spiritual development for its very survival.

Even though formal education in so-called 'wester countries' may be light years away from that in other countries, it is the philosophy behind it which is most important. In western countries that philosophy might even be light years behind other countries. In any event, children are not to be treated as objects to be taught but as subjects to be provided with conditions of respect and freedom of to ask questions and learn. Learning must actively engage psychological development. This includes spiritual growth to maturity of character. The problem with a lot of formal education is that it can produce people with the skills and knowledge of mechanical intelligence but without the intuition and wisdom which comes with the development of  'creative intelligence'. Creative intelligence is what we need for the resolution of our human problems, effective adaptation and survival of our species. We mut educate the child 'as a whole'.

We are a species too stupid to understand the nature of our own human personality or 'human nature'. We are so stupid that we destroy ourselves and our fellow species. The majority of us don't even know that to prevent our own extinction as a species, each of us has to evolve personally so that we can all survive as a truly social species. The mess we make of our human affairs is truly deplorable.

We need to promote universal education of children based on natural laws of human development, that is education for the complete development of human potential. All children have the right to an education which offers them the freedom to grow through learning... education for spiritual freedom and social intelligiance require for mutual and peaceful cooperation in the resolution of human problems... so-called 'holistic education'.

So-called 'religions' which engage in social conditioning and mind-control do not serve humanity if in so doing they inhibit personal moral ('spiritual') development. The religions must evolve.

Children naturally know how to think not what to think. Human intelligence is the natural function of  a brain which has evolved over millions of years. Adults who think they know how to think have already been taught what to think and should not be teaching children how to think. Give children the conditions of freedom which are appropriate for the development of their potential intelligence

No delusions here. The point made in this excellent presentation... the word 'illuminati' which means the ‘enlightened ones’ has been corrupted and the  power of enlightenment has been hijacked by the corrupted power elites. Their 'reign of terror is over' in the sense that it is up to not to fear them but to understand and to pity them because they are internally poor and barren. They are spiritual cripples and we need not be afraid of them any more. Fear is an emotion which involves  giving of power over us. We can limit this power through the choices we make. We must realise that it is the unenlightened who are fearful of the power that we have ourselves to act in our own and everyone else's interest. We must trust ourselves and each other.  It is up to all of us to raise our level of consciousness,  reclaim love and light and thus become enlightened. With true enlightenment, we can make morally intelligent responsible choices and in this way be happy and prosperous.

The word 'illuminati' means the ‘enlightened ones’ and has been corrupted. Don't give power to the corrupted illuminati who have hijacked the power of enlightenment. It is we who need to reclaim love and light. It is we who must raise our level of consciousness and become enlightened. With true enlightenment, we can make morally intelligent and therefore responsible choices. It is the unenlightened who are fearful of the power we have to act in everyone's interest. We need not be afraid of them any more. We must trust ourselves and each other.
Disturbing emotions not only disturb our own state of mind, they also disturb the minds of others. Self-centredness gives rise to fear and insecurity, which in turn creates distrust. This is why having an altruistic attitude brings a great sense of happiness and peace of mind.(dalai lama facebook)
The imprisoned mind is the conditioned mind. Give children the freedom they need to grow through learning.  
Open-mindedness is an aspect of complete human development or 'maturity'.
True freedom is internal... freedom of thought in the sens e of 'critiical thinking'. We need the 'right' education for the young education which cultivates critical thinking. How create the next generation of critical thinkers? Align educational policies with principles of natural human development, that is teach to the 'whole child'. This is 'holistic education'.   
A better world depends on the 'right' education for the young.How create the next generation of critical thinkers? Align educational policies with principles of natural human development, that is teach to the 'whole child'. This is 'holistic education'.
Always observe and learn to keep the positive attitude.
War is a manifestation of ego fixation… human insanity… resulting from arrested human development. Peace is a function of the higher consciousness states... attainable through complete development of the human personality or 'human nature'. Human nature is a naturally social nature and the human animal is a naturally social and therefore peaceful animal. 
Homo sapiens is a naturally social animal species. However intelligent socialization depends on the 'right' education of the young . This means education which offers the conditiojns of freedom and respect for their innate intelligence and which cultivates their potential for growth to maturity. The problem is that people dAlways observe and learn to keep the positive attitude.on't trust human nature and so they think they have to make rules.  Institute of Complex Systems, University of Vienna
Tyranny starts with the indoctirnation of children. The real aim of true education is the provision of conditions of freedom to grow through learning and the cultivation of creative intelligence... 'holistic education'.  
 Spanking is criminal. Punishment of children and their subsequent humiliation is the basis for dysfunctional psychological development and cultivation of psychopathy. 'Psychopaths' are sick souls who become the control freaks of the world who will end up destroying everything if we don't stop the punishment of children.
Schools teach children not to think for themselves but to cultivate blind allegiance to state authorities. This is fundamental to the establishment of a fascist state.
Congratulations Jada. You are intelligent and should not be mistreated because you happen to make interesting observations. If people are offended it means they don't like to see other people's truth because it might reflect their own which they don't want to know about. They have a problem. Your job is to try to understand them and not judge them for their ignorance. Keep going. Cultivate your own intelligence even if teachers are not interested. Intelliigence is required for life. and cultivation of intelligence is the real purpose of education. The world needs you. Maybe one day you can be a teacher yourself and encourage other children to cultivate their intelligence in spite of the odds.
"All we have to do is awaken the power in the people..." Start with the children. Offer them an education (from Latin 'educare' meaning 'to lead out') providing the conditions they need for the complete development of their potential for creative intelligence and integrity i.e education of the person as a whole or 'holistic education'. Holistic education aims for personal empowerment.
Aim of real education is cultivation of creative intelligence or 'empowerment' and social intelligence or 'peace'.
It is time to implement educational policies which aim to cultivate natural human intelligence and integrity i.e. education for the total human personality or 'holistic education'.
It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given that separates one person from another.
The human species is a social species which depends for its survival on development of its potential for social intelligence.  Failure to develop the intelligence required for social adaptation or ‘peace’ is guaranteed to lead to  extinction of our species.
The practice of patience protects us from losing our composure. In doing that it enables us to exercise discernment, even in the heat of difficult situations. It gives us inner space. And within that space we gain a degree of self-control, which allows us to respond to situations in an appropriate and compassionate manner rather than being driven by our anger and irritation.” (Dalai Lama Facebook)

The problem of humanity is arrested development.... arrested at the ego level. Transformation of the world depends on personal transformation. We need universal education for complete human development to the level beyond ego... the level of moral or spiritual values. Our species survival depends on education for development of the human personality or ‘human nature’… holistic education.

A sustainable future depends on freedom in education as freedom to explore and freedom to grow through learning i.e. ‘holistic education'.

Our species is in danger of extinction. It is time to redefine the word 'god' as the love upon which human survival depends.

Sharing is a natural humanitarian impulse which tends to be forgotten with social conditioning based on the inhibition  of complete human development.  

Wisdom comes through the observation and understanding of everyday incidents in human relationship.

 Human evolution cannot continue in the right direction without personal evolution as the expansion of consciousness and the cultivation of intuitive (creative) intelligence.

The problem is arrested human development.... arrested at the ego level. lTransformation of the world depends on personal transformation. We need uiniversal education for complete human development to the level beyond ego... the level of moral or spiritual values. Our species survival depends on education for development of the human personality or ‘human nature’… holistic education.

 Love for truth is a function of the higher states of human consciousness. We must offer our children an education which respects their need to develop fully... education for development of the person as a whole or 'holistic education'.

Spiritual Enlightenment means to know the Essence of who you really are. The true Self is the silent observer; illusory self iis created by the mind. To discover your real Self ask the question "who is aware that I am thinking?"  The mind is a superb instrument if used correctly.  Used wrongly it can be very destructive. If you believe that you are your mind you are unconsciously identified with it then you are its slave the mind is using you and the result is delusion. It's almost as if you were possessed without knowing it, and so you take the possessing entity to be yourself. The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not the thinker. Knowing this enables you to observe the thinking entity. The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken. (eckhart tolle?)
The problem is arrested human development. Capitalism is destructive because it rewards human motivation by needs for security, self-esteem and belongingness - the 'ego- needs’. Capitalism is failing because it is without conscience.  Reformed capitalism for sustainability requires an education system based on principles of complete human development... development of the human personality as a whole i.e.'holistic education'.
… making sincere efforts to comply with social and cultural forces which bear down heavily on the individual’s freedom to maintain their personal integrity  and sense of dignity in the undignified world around them. Instead of going along with other people’s indignities which is what most people do to ‘adapt’ one must consistently have the moral courage and be prepared to endure considerable personal suffering. The ‘price’ to use undignified word one has to pay  for the privelege of living on one’s own terms if they happen to conflict with the forces one is up against (capitalism, cathocism etc.) social pressures on the the subconscious mind. Life gets unbearably difficult when we must continue to have faith in our own resources. Unfortunately it is the people with few inner resources who often have the upper hand &and we can be overwhelmed if we continue to have faith in them. But if we are courageous and intelligent enough… continue to be curious and wise, observe and reflect. We learn as we get older and life continues to be interesting. Important to share experiences with the rest of the huma n family which is also struggling to come to terms with the dilemmas of the human condition. 
So-called 'evil' results from the inhibition of human development. We need education based on natural laws of human development and respect for human needs... as well as physiological and physical needs, education based on respect for lower psychological needs for security, self-esteem and belongingness or 'ego needs' and 'higher' psychchological needs for moral or 'spiritual' development or 'metaneeds'.

The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.
For people to be empowered and thus responsible for solving human global issues in the future, they must first (as children) be offered an education which respects their need for freedom to grow through meaningful learning i.e. 'holistic education'.
World peace depends on education which cultivates peaceful people everywhere. Education for peace is education for complete human development or 'holistic education'.

We need an education system which allows for development of critical intelligence instead of of an oppressive system which indoctrinates and stifles imagination.
We need a consciousness raising education for children growing up so that they can become intelligent and honest critical thinking mature adults i.e. education for complete human development or 'holistic education'.
The biological function of spirituality: The human species is a social species which depends for creative adaptation and survival on moral consciousness or ‘morality’ of rational conscience. The realm of moral values or ‘spiritual values’ of developed conscience is a function complete psychological development or ‘spirituality’. Spiritual development depends on connection with others through unconditional love which foregoes judgement and implies self-evaluation. Spiritual essence of the human being is the source of guiding principles for ethical living  TO BE CONTINUED….

Wars will stop when people become fully human... completely unselfish so peaceful and compassionate. This is possible with self-transcendance or 'enlightenment' through right education '(holistic education')

Don't take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

"Ask not who is the enemy. Ask who you are." As far as 'aiding the enemy', the enemy is us. We fight enemies which we create out of ignorance and fear.

Psychopaths were children too... and their psychological needs were not met and that is why they are psychopaths. We need education based on fulfillment of children’s psychological needs required for development of moral consciousness or 'conscience'... education for complete development of the person as a whole... the person’s humanness ('holistic education').

 Development of human conscience (compassion, empathy) is a in the name of function of complete psychological development, not 'moral training' in the name of religions. Psychopaths can be moralists who think they are superior to 'the masses'.

People need to 'look in the mirror' and face their own 'demons' rather than project them onto others. People must raise their level of consciousness from the level of self-interest or 'ego' to the higher level beyond ego - the level of empathy, compassion and peace. If each person would transform themselves we could change the world. The elites rely upon the ignorance and apathy of 'the people' to maintain the level of control that they have. It is through self-transformation (waking up or 'enlightenment') that we have the power to eradicate their control.

We need education which cultivates complete development to personal maturity and critical intelligence... 'holistic education'.

vendredi 8 juin 2012

Arrested Human Development and Egocentrism as the Basis of our Human Problems


Today there is urgent need for positive social change. We must create a better world through mature cooperation and collaboration. The problem is that human psychologocal development is often arrested at the level of identification with the self or  'ego' .  Physical growth without complete psychological and moral development... incomplete human development (immaturity) translates into the ignorance and irresponsibility of  egocentricity (egotism) which results in the destructiveness of competition and conflict. This is because egocentric perception creates thought patterns which are limited and distorted thus contradicting the interests of normal development and resulting in the devaluation of  humanity... one's own as well as that of others. It is the unbalanced value systems of egocentric adults which inflict grave harm on our species and our planet. Consequently we need to understand our social and political problems in terms of the ill effects of arrested human development and the egocentric thinking which generates irrational fears and negative emotions. This results in the creation of unfounded limiting beliefs which inhibit the cultivation of moral intuition and the resulting sense of moral responsibility. It is the lack of moral responsibility (morality) which results in non-adaptive and destructive human behavior or 'evil'.  For this reason we must set ourselves free as inwardly free,  free from the social conditioning which creates fear and inner conflict and prevents us from perceiving a reality which extends beyond the limits of personal desires. The ignorance of egocentric perception must be replaced by perception of the wholeness of reality or 'holistic perception'. Holistic perception  generates empathy, compassion, open-mindedness and desire for understanding and so goes beyond the supposed dichotomy between individual freedom and social responsibilityTrue freedom is possible only if the individual is fully 'human'. Only then can they understand the perception of the 'other' and allow for the positive, creative and therefore peaceful and adaptive approach to the intelligent resolution of human conflicts of interest or 'problems'.  However holistic perception of inner freedom depends on providing children with the 'right' education... one which ensures complete psychological development and allows children's freedom to become integrated human beings with the human attributes of personal integrity. This is a natural human right. Right education does not try to educate children to be what adults would like them to be, does not condition them for mediocrity but trusts them to trust themselves, to trust their own sense of responsibility to themselves and their needs for the development of their own human personality, potential and personal fulfillment. Right education provides the conditions which are conducive to  growth through learning...  engages the development of morality and  intuitive, moral or 'spiritual' intelligence . Moral intelligence is natural intelligence which is adaptive because it produces positive and meaningful creativity ('creative intelligence'). Right education respects children for who they really are - spiritual beings with the potential of becoming mature, integrated, morally intelligent and therefore ethical, responsible and civilized adults able to cooperate peacefully and effectively in their efforts to resolve their human problems. For this reason we must provide universal education which fosters the  facilitates their aspirations for self-actualisation and 'self-transcendance' in the development of their human potential. Education for human excellence is education for the complete development of the person as a whole or 'holistic education'. Holistic education engages the psychological energy of motivation by spiritual needs or 'metaneeds' ('metamotivation').  Metamotivation is intrinsic to the organism... 'intrinsic motivation'.