vendredi 8 juin 2012

Arrested Human Development and Egocentrism as the Basis of our Human Problems


Today there is urgent need for positive social change. We must create a better world through mature cooperation and collaboration. The problem is that human psychologocal development is often arrested at the level of identification with the self or  'ego' .  Physical growth without complete psychological and moral development... incomplete human development (immaturity) translates into the ignorance and irresponsibility of  egocentricity (egotism) which results in the destructiveness of competition and conflict. This is because egocentric perception creates thought patterns which are limited and distorted thus contradicting the interests of normal development and resulting in the devaluation of  humanity... one's own as well as that of others. It is the unbalanced value systems of egocentric adults which inflict grave harm on our species and our planet. Consequently we need to understand our social and political problems in terms of the ill effects of arrested human development and the egocentric thinking which generates irrational fears and negative emotions. This results in the creation of unfounded limiting beliefs which inhibit the cultivation of moral intuition and the resulting sense of moral responsibility. It is the lack of moral responsibility (morality) which results in non-adaptive and destructive human behavior or 'evil'.  For this reason we must set ourselves free as inwardly free,  free from the social conditioning which creates fear and inner conflict and prevents us from perceiving a reality which extends beyond the limits of personal desires. The ignorance of egocentric perception must be replaced by perception of the wholeness of reality or 'holistic perception'. Holistic perception  generates empathy, compassion, open-mindedness and desire for understanding and so goes beyond the supposed dichotomy between individual freedom and social responsibilityTrue freedom is possible only if the individual is fully 'human'. Only then can they understand the perception of the 'other' and allow for the positive, creative and therefore peaceful and adaptive approach to the intelligent resolution of human conflicts of interest or 'problems'.  However holistic perception of inner freedom depends on providing children with the 'right' education... one which ensures complete psychological development and allows children's freedom to become integrated human beings with the human attributes of personal integrity. This is a natural human right. Right education does not try to educate children to be what adults would like them to be, does not condition them for mediocrity but trusts them to trust themselves, to trust their own sense of responsibility to themselves and their needs for the development of their own human personality, potential and personal fulfillment. Right education provides the conditions which are conducive to  growth through learning...  engages the development of morality and  intuitive, moral or 'spiritual' intelligence . Moral intelligence is natural intelligence which is adaptive because it produces positive and meaningful creativity ('creative intelligence'). Right education respects children for who they really are - spiritual beings with the potential of becoming mature, integrated, morally intelligent and therefore ethical, responsible and civilized adults able to cooperate peacefully and effectively in their efforts to resolve their human problems. For this reason we must provide universal education which fosters the  facilitates their aspirations for self-actualisation and 'self-transcendance' in the development of their human potential. Education for human excellence is education for the complete development of the person as a whole or 'holistic education'. Holistic education engages the psychological energy of motivation by spiritual needs or 'metaneeds' ('metamotivation').  Metamotivation is intrinsic to the organism... 'intrinsic motivation'.

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